The Acme Novelty Archive - An Unofficial Chris Ware Database

1989 Quimby Panel correction

1989 Quimby Panel correction


"This was drawn as a correction for a single panel of a larger strip that was published in 1989, probably in the Daily Texan. Original art depicting a worried Quimby and a suitcase, finished in pen and ink over red pencil. Also note the “Quimby stamp of approval.” This inked image is roughly two inches square on a 2.5” x 6” piece of thick crescent board."

"I worked as art director at the Daily Texan when Chris was there. The stat camera at the Texan didn't see red. It saw blue but not red. So every Quimby piece is penciled in red. And the full page strips are cut in three pieces because the camera was small."

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